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Vote Your Value: Image



Vote Your Value: Features

Vote Your Value is a campaign designed to empower young voters–and future voters–by instilling in them a sense of self-worth, pride and social responsibility. Needless to say, there are many reasons young voters don't vote. Whether that be due to lack of education, feelings of apathy, or active disenfranchisement, it's clear we have to encourage this community to influence the system that affects the way they live their lives.


BTL has decided to use art, social media, and fashion to educate American youth on their voting rights and procedures. However that’s not all. We recognize that despite its importance, politics isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Nor does every person in this country believe that voting, in this current political climate, is the best route to improving our society. To acknowledge and honor this fact, the Vote Your Value Campaign will also include resources on how to support communities in other ways besides casting ballots. The method we want to use to invigorate the youth here is through encouraging and helping them recognize their value. We want people to see their worth and the beauty they bring to the world, hoping that this will inspire them to change their communities for the better. 


The three core aspects of this campaign are:

Vote Your Value: What We Do


The first and fundamental aspect of the campaign is the VYV-let that will be a digital directory full of information for young people. There, users will be able to find registration forms, their representatives, self-care best practices and other wellness resources. If you have any suggestions or resources to add, let us know!

Use the subject "VYV Resources"


We'll host features with community leaders, wellness professionals, and other individuals we think will be beneficial to young people. From organization profiles to interviews with elected officials to workout tutorials–even cooking step-by-steps. We're actively looking for people and groups to feature so contact us below!

Use the subject "VYV IGTV Features"


As the art and fashion components, the BTL team plans to create tote bags adorned with art pieces by Black and Brown artists. We want these pieces to be community focused and we're taking submissions!

Use the button below and the subject "VYV Art Submission"

Vote Your Value: Programs

This program will launch soon, so look out! If you'd like to get involved, please be sure to complete this form and we'll reach back out as soon as possible.

Vote Your Value: Text
BTL Instagram 2022.png
Vote Your Value: Image
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